Is to: See God’s children becoming all God created them to be and possessing all that Jesus Christ paid for on their behalf.
Lighting the people to light the world through the knowledge of Jesus Christ
Is to: Bring the gospel of light to darkness; hope to the oppressed; relief to natural disaster areas, success to mission fields, comfort to refugees, healing to those in hospitals, solace to prisons etc. And we are achieving all these through:
Sponsoring and sending forth missionaries;
Partnering and identifying with other outreach ministries;
Organizing gospel crusades;
Emphasizing effective worship;
Ministering to the total man – spirit, soul and body;
Having a strong and effective men, women, singles, teenage, children, music ministries, etc;
Preparing saints for the Lord’s coming;
Assisting saints to identify and encourage them to work in their own calling, setting up dedicated, faithful and loyal ones who are called to fulltime ministries. We expand the vision;
Developing the Church to preach the gospel with all their talents, time, finances, gifts etc; and
Determine to be all that God created one to be and possessing all Jesus paid the price for.
In doing this, The Lighted Church provides an avenue for increase in knowledge. The church is centred on soul-winning and having the fruit of the spirit. In the church every member is empowered to affect the world for Christ.