What is the purpose of Rejoice?
To give The Lord quality worship in appreciation for the price He paid for our salvation; For going to the cross for us. “What manner of love is this that a man will give His life for His friends”… Worshiping in appreciation and thanksgiving as the ultimate thing we can give Him for that. It is our life giving Him worship. Money, preparation time put into it is part of the worship….
To celebrate the salvation the death and resurrection of Jesus did for us…. Rejoicing for the fact that we are free from sin and death. Rejoicing for the defeat of the devil and the victory we have through that. Rejoicing For life in eternity and life in abundance on earth.
To let the world know how much the season means to us. It’s a celebration time for us, for the best thing that happened to us and what makes us who we are…. With this they too can get to know Him. For He died for all….