The Invisible hands of God


Esther 6 and 7

The enemy always plots to destroy the children of God. He works day and night to make it difficult for us to achieve all that God has promised. He plots evil day after day. But God is ready to chain the enemy and change your situation in spite of all the plans of the devil. 

Everything that happens in our lives has the hands of God all over it. We might not feel Him but we must have the conviction that He is working everything out for our good. All we need to do is to surrender all to Him. He will always act on our behalf when we take a stand for Him. Because of the covenant we have with Him as Christian, He will always fight our battles. We don’t have to do any other special thing to get His attention. We have a covenant with Him and He fights for us every time. His invisible hands are pulling us up when the enemy is struggling to pull us down. He is always working behind the scenes, waiting for the right time to show His mighty hand.

Because the spirit controls the physical, God is working out your miracles for you even if you can’t feel it or see it. He is working out modalities to ensure that the plans of the enemy concerning you does not occur in your life.

Zechariah 2:8 

We are carrying the mighty God inside of us so when the wicked tries to destroy us, He rises in our defense. We might never know how many dangerous situations that God has delivered us from. We must rely on the Holy Spirit so we can have good success. Decisions are being made and executed in the spiritual realm and that is why we need the help of the Holy Spirit who is a part of the spiritual realm to fight for us.